Charity projects for the Concern are not only good corporate tradition, but also an instrument to increase the social responsibility of company and employees.
The Pokrovsky Concern carries out the charity programs throughout its existence. In 2015 to concentrate these activities established was a charity fund Pokrovsky. Purposes and objectives of Pokrovsky charity fund:
  • promoting activities in the field of Education, Science, Culture, Sports, Arts, Enlightenment and Spiritual development of the personality.
  • social rehabilitation of orphaned children and also children deprived of parental care and from deprived backgrounds;
  • protection and due upkeep of buildings, objects and territories of historic, cultural and environmental significance, and also graveyards;
  • facilitating activities in area of public health care and preventative care, promotion of healthy lifestyles, improvement of public moral and psychological condition;
  • facilitating development of children and youth scientific-technical and artistic creativity;
  • support of worthwhile youth initiatives, projects, children and youth movement, children and youth organizations.